Create a custom field for a job or a job element, such as a surface.
To create, modify, or delete a custom field, you must have a specific right in Prinergy Administrator. Otherwise, the Custom Fields Manager is in read-only mode, and its title displays the words "Read only."

  1. In Job Finder or Job Manager, from the Tools menu, select Custom Fields Manager.
  2. In the Custom Fields Manager, select one of the following options:
    • If you want the field to describe an entire job, select Job.
    • If you want the field to describe elements within each job, select the element. Options are: Page, Page Set, Page Position, Imposition Plan, Signature, Surface, or Separation.
  3. Click Add, and define the custom field's Name, Type, and Default Value. Then, click Add, and click Close.
  4. If you do not want the field to appear in Workshop, clear the check box next to the field in the Show in Workshop column.
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