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Preferences enable you to define default settings for the High Resolution Sheet Viewer. These settings apply every time you view a sheet at high resolution.

Note: The High Resolution Sheet Viewer preferences do not affect the preferences for other Kodak Proofing Software windows.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
  2. Set the following preferences:
    • Zero Point Location: Set the coordinates of the cursor and the measurement tool parameters in relation to the displayed file.
    • Angle Measure: Select Counter Clockwise or Clockwise to set the direction of the angle measured when you use the Measure tool.
    • Units: Select Millimeters (mm) or Inches (in.)to set all measurement values in the High Resolution Sheet Viewer.
    • Resolution Units: Select Millimeters (dpm, lpm)or Inches (dpi, lpi) to set all resolution values in the High Resolution Sheet Viewer.
  3. Click OK.
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