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In the Press Runs List, select a press run to display its settings in the Properties pane.
Page Count | The number of template pages on this press-run layout |
Fold Pattern | Select from the filtered list of fold patterns that match the section page count, or click Browse for fold pattern to display the Fold Pattern dialog box. |
Template Name | If a template was used to build this press run, displays the template name. Otherwise, a default Untitled name is assigned, with a number that increments for each existing Untitled template in the Templates list. If you save the current job as a template, the new name is displayed. |
Signature Name | If a template was used to build this press run, displays the template signature name. Otherwise, an editable default name is assigned, starting at Untitled Sig 1 and incrementing for each unique layout. |
Auto Select Signature | If you select this check box (default), the Auto Select option is added to the context menu for this template signature in the Layouts resource pane. |
Section Count | The number of times that you added a product section to this press-run layout. You can add one or more product sections to a single press run, including the same product section multiple times or multiple different sections, typically for the same product. |
Binding Style | Determines the sequence in which content pages flow through the template pages on the press-run layouts: - Flat Work (no binding)
- Perfect Bound
- Saddle Stitched
- Come and Go
- Cut and Stack
- Mixed (more than one binding style)
Work Style | View or select the work style that describes how the press prints the press sheet: - Sheetwise
- Work and Turn
- Work and Tumble
- Perfector
- Single-sided
Stock | The name of the stock resource that you assigned to this press run |
Media | The name of the media resource that you assigned to this press run |
Width, Height | The dimensions of the stock for this press run |
Punch Distance | If the media has a punch, specify the distance from the press sheet edge to the punch center. The punch is the hole on which the media can be anchored on pins for accurate alignment (also referred to as setback). |