Use approvals to indicate whether elements are ready to move to the next step in the workflow. Prinergy provides two types of approvals:

  • Customer approval of pages
  • Proof approvals

Customer Approval of Pages

Each page can have a customer approval status. This status helps you work with customers using Prepress Portal. It can also help reduce errors in your workflow by preventing further refining or output based on status.
If a job is web-enabled customers can set approval status of each page using Prepress Portal.

You can also set approval status in Prinergy. However, it is better to use Prepress Portal, because changes in Prepress Portal trigger automatic e-mail notifications from Prepress Portal.

Depending on how Prinergy Administrator is configured, Customer Approval status may affect whether you can run certain processes:

  • You may not be able to refine a page again if it has a Customer Approval status set to Approved.
  • You may not be able to output using imposed proof process templates or final output process templates if any pages used in the surface or signature are set to Rejected.
  • You may not be able to output using imposed proof process templates or final output process templates unless all of the pages used in the surface or signature are set to Approved or Approval Not Required.

You can see the Customer Approval status in Prinergy by:


Proof Approvals

You can record approval or rejection of every imposition proof that you create. For example, if you print a content proof for a customer, you can indicate its approval before doing a contract proof. To use this approval method, you must first create a proof.
Proof approvals are for internal information only. They are not visible to customers using Prepress Portal, and have no effect on what you can do in Prinergy.
After you set the approval status, an approved icon  or a rejected icon  appears in the column for the proof process, if you are in list view.

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