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A pre-job is similar to a job but used when you want to store elements that are used in more than one job.

Pre-jobs are useful in these ways:

  • To automatically create a job, you can drop a previously-exported job (with a .zip extension) into a pre-job hot folder that is linked to an import process template. Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack automatically creates a job at the root of the server on which the pre-job exists, with the same name as the exported job.
  • As a place to collect elements that are used in many jobs, such as logos, you create a pre-job, and then set the image search path to a folder containing the customer's logo and other frequently used images. Then when you create a new job for the customer from the pre-job, the new job can access the same images.
  • By customers using Kodak InSite, the Web-based portal, to upload files.
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