In the Controller Viewer Queue, access the separations in the input file, and optionally edit how each separation color is to be processed.
Displays the name of the input file.
Media configuration
Displays the name of the designated media configuration used to process the input files.
Displays the name of the designated proof layout used to process the input files.
Displays the name of the software, hot folder, or virtual printer that submitted the item to Kodak Proofing Software.
Factory library
Displays the name of the designated factory color library; None appears when no factory library is selected.
If the Selective Map to Process feature is enabled for Matchprint inkjet proofs, you can override the library selection either by selecting from this list or by mapping an individual separation in the proof to a selected library. You cannot change the selection when a separation in the proof is already mapped to the displayed library.
User library
Displays the name of the designated user color library; None appears when no user library is selected.
If the Selective Map to Process feature is enabled for Matchprint inkjet proofs, you can override the library selection either by selecting from this list or by mapping an individual separation in the proof to a selected library. You cannot change the selection when a separation in the proof is already mapped to the displayed library.
Identifies whether to print the color on the proof. Select the Output check box to print the color, and clear the Output check box to omit the color from the proof.
When you select the Output check box in the Edit Separations dialog box in the Controller Viewer Queue window, the setting is saved and also appears in the Edit Separations dialog box in the Proofer Viewer Queues window.
Displays the name of the color in the input file.
Separation Mapping
The status icons identify whether the color has a recipe definition in the hot folder’s designated media configuration.
- check mark—indicates that the color has a recipe or that the color will be converted to process.
- warning symbol—indicates that the color does not have a recipe. You must specify how to handle the color.
- error symbol—indicates that the selected library lacks a color definition for the color.
You can map to one of the following options for each color:
- Leave as is—no changes are made to the color.
- Convert to process—converts the color to process color.
- The color transformation occurs in the press color space.The color transformation occurs in the proof space. The software uses the first color recipe that it finds when searching for the color name in the following locations and order: user library, factory library, input file.
- The settings in the Edit Separations dialog box override the Handling settings specified in the hot folder or virtual printer on the Spot Colors tab.
- From factory library or From user library—lets you map the color to a color in the factory or user library that is selected for the hot folder.
- For Approval proofers, you can select a color to change the color name in the input file to match the selected color name. The color transformation occurs in the press color space. Only the color name changes; the recipe from the color library is not used. The original color name appears on the left, and the new color name appears on the right.
- For Matchprint inkjet, the software locates the process-color recipe for this spot color in the selected library. The color transformation occurs in the proof color space.
- Another separation in the job—lets you map the color to another separation in the job. You cannot map to a separation that is already mapped. In Approval proofs, you cannot map a separation that is set to Convert to process.
A pencil icon appears when you select From factory library or From user library. Double-click the row with the pencil icon to display a list of color names in the color library, and select a color name.
Note: When you select a color name from a user or factory library, and the selected color name lacks a recipe definition in the media configuration associated with a job, a warning icon appears.