Page tree

    Use this procedure when you have not yet created page sets in your legacy versioning job.

    1. From the File menu, select Import Versioning Imposition.
    2. In the Import Versioning Imposition dialog box, in the Select a file to use for the imposition box, navigate to and select the versioning imposition plan you want to import.
      Information about the selected file appears in the box on the right side of the dialog box.
    3. Click Auto Name.
    4. In the Enter Number of Version dialog box, in the Please enter the base name for these versions box, type the base name.
    5. In the Please enter the number of versions to create box, type the number of versions, then click OK.
    6. You can rename any of the new versioning imposition names if you desire by selecting a name, then clicking Rename.
    7. Click Import.
    8. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.

    Prinergy imports the versioning imposition plan into the job. After the import processing is completed, the Page Sets pane displays the versions.

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