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  1. Select the refined PDF file. From the Process menu, select Refine > Refine > 2ndRef-MapColors process template.
  2. In the Start Process dialog box, click the Edit Process Template button.
  3. Expand the Spot Color Handling section.
  4. In the Source of Color Recipes area, locate and select your XXColorLibrary in the Selectable list. Click Add.
Your library has been added to the Selected column, making it available for the 2ndRef-MapColors process template. Click OK.
    Note: Editing this process template is temporary. When you modify a process template in this way, any changes to the process template are discarded when the process is complete. The changes do not affect the original process template and are not saved with the job. You cannot repeat this process without making the same changes to the process template again.
  5. In the Start Process dialog box, click Color Mapping.
  6. In the Color Mappings dialog box, map the colors as listed below by adding them to the XXColorLibrary in your job:
  7. Select Dieline and set the following:
    1. Output separately.
    2. Set opacity as Dieline.
    3. Defined color as 100% magenta.
  8. Select Pantone 8722C. Set Color to:
    1. Output separately.
    2. Set opacity as Opaque.
    3. Define color as: 95C, 90Y, 15K.
  9. Select Pantone 8040C. Set Color to:
    1. Output Separately.
    2. Set opacity as Opaque.
    3. Define color as: 15Y, 40K.
    4. If necessary, change the Print Order so that Pantone 8040C is the last color down.
    5. Make sure all colors are set to print separately.
  10. In the Color Mappings dialog box, click OK.
  11. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
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