Enables or disables the selected media configuration. Disabling a media configuration removes it from selection lists in all associated software locations.
Imports or exports the selected media configuration
Deletes the selected media configuration. The media configuration must be disabled first, and it must not be referenced by any sheets in the system, including sheets in the Trash.
Opens the Media Configuration Editor
Restarts the Media Configuration wizard if you previously stopped it
Starts the Precision Color Media Configuration wizard to help you create a custom media configuration. New media configurations are enabled by default.
Table headings
Specifies the resolution of the media configuration
Specifies the name of the media configuration. You can use up to 100 characters for the name.
For clarity, use a meaningful name, such as Comm Glossy 720x720. Do not use the + - \ / | < > [ ] { } ? . , ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = : ; ' " characters in file names.
Indicates whether the media configuration is from Kodak or is a custom media configuration
Indicates whether each media configuration is enabled or disabled
Displays the date and time the selected media configuration was created
Created From
Identifies the media configuration on which the selected media configuration is based, if applicable. When you select the new media configuration,
the Created From option displays the name of the original media configuration.
The calibration status for a media configuration also applies to all media configuration files created by the save-as process.
As a result, you need to calibrate only one of the media configuration files for all media configuration files created by the save-as process to have a status of calibrated.
Displays the status of the selected media configuration:
- In Progress, where the media configuration is in the process of being created and is not yet completed
- Created, where the media configuration is completed
- Calibrated, where the media configuration is calibrated
Displays the name of the media that is used in the selected media configuration
Displays the name of the ink that is used in the selected media configuration
DeltaE94 Average and Maximum Tolerances
Shows the DeltaE94 average and maximum tolerance numbers of the selected media configuration for Precision Color calibration technology.
You can change the tolerances when you edit the media configuration.
Can Convert UV Filtered to Unfiltered Measurements
Specifies whether the media configuration and spectrophotometer support the algorithm that converts UV-filtered spectrophotometer measurements to
unfiltered spectrophotometer measurements.
No indicates the algorithm is unavailable for the media configuration and spectrophotometer.
Yes indicates the media configuration and UV-filtered spectrophotometer support the algorithm and the UV-filtered measurements can be converted to unfiltered measurements.
The Measurement wizard for Certified Process for Color Confirmation uses the algorithm when you measure color bars that were printed with the media configuration.
You can turn the algorithm on and off when you create a color bar in Proofer Administrator.
Note: The algorithm is designed to work only with UV-filtered spectrophotometers. The algorithm does not convert unfiltered spectrophotometer measurements to
UV-filtered measurements.
Can align to spectral standard
Specifies whether the media configuration supports the algorithm that aligns measurements taken with an unfiltered inline spectrophotometer on an Epson Stylus Pro 7900 or
9900 printer with measurements taken with other supported spectrophotometers. The unfiltered inline spectrophotometer on Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 printers
produces measurements with higher L* and b* readings compared to other supported spectrophotometers. The algorithm aligns the measurements of the unfiltered inline
spectrophotometer on Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 printers with the measurements of other unfiltered supported spectrophotometers.
No indicates the algorithm is unavailable for the media configuration.
Yes indicates the media configuration supports the algorithm and the measurements can be converted.
The Measurement wizard for Certified Process for Color Confirmation uses the algorithm when you measure color bars that were printed with the media configuration.
You can turn the algorithm on and off when you create a color bar in Proofer Administrator.
Can Convert Black-Backed to White-Backed Measurements
Specifies whether the media configuration supports the algorithm that converts black-backed spectrophotometer measurements to white-backed spectrophotometer
measurements for color bar measurements.
No indicates the algorithm is unavailable for the media configuration.
Yes indicates the media configuration supports the algorithm and the measurements can be converted.
The Measurement wizard for Certified Process for Color Confirmation uses the algorithm when you measure color bars that were printed with the media configuration.
You can turn the algorithm on and off when you create a color bar in Proofer Administrator.
Optimal White Level
(White-ink printers only) Specifies how much white ink the media configuration is set up to use for calibration.
After calibration, the printer is optimized for the white level specified in the media configuration.
The white level range is from 0% to 100% of the total ink limit for white ink.