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The key to a successful installation and implementation of a Kodak digital flexo workflow system is to have a clear vision of all the steps involved, and the order and timelines for each step. Each progressive step requires that a previous step be successfully completed. For example, it is impossible to implement Kodak Maxtone screening software without the plate media representative first determining minimum mask exposure values (minimum dot value) for each media.
The first goal of Kodak Start Up Assistance (SUA) is to enable you to duplicate the results that you were achieving with previous analog platemaking. This allows you to start running your presses with new digital plates as quickly as possible, and to build up experience and confidence with your new Kodak digital flexo workflow. Once you are confident in your ability to create good-quality plates with your Kodak system and to satisfy your existing customers, you will be able to progress to advanced screening features and produce superior results.

Who should use this guide

This guide is intended for printers who have purchased Kodak digital flexo for use with a Kodak Prinergy or Prinergy Evo software workflow system. It explains how to successfully implement a Kodak digital flexo workflow system.
To use this guide, you should:

  • Have a working knowledge of prepress operations
  • Be familiar with the Microsoft Windows operating system
  • Be familiar with the Apple Macintosh operating system

This guide assumes that:

  • All the hardware, software, and network components of your Kodak system are installed, configured, and operating correctly.
  • Files submitted to the system are free of common errors usually resolved during preflight, such as missing fonts and Adobe PostScript errors.

For more information

Visit Kodak at for documentation, training courses, downloads, and service and support contacts.
For a list of translated documents for this product, log on to the Kodak Partner Place Internet portal at

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