Requirements: You must have a system role that includes the Configure Upload Processing right.

You can add as many upload processing rules to your system as you require.

When you create a processing rule, the first processing action is created simultaneously. You can then add additional actions if required. 

  1. On the home page, click Administration.
  2. In the Administration area, click Upload Processing Rules.
  3. Click Create Rule.
    In Enterprise, select a satellite server from the Location menu before clicking Create Rule.
  4. In the Rule Name box, type a name that describes the rule—for example, Refine.
  5. To select the type of upload processing action that applies to your production workflow, from the Processing Type options, click the Refine  or Copy  buttons. 
  6. In the File Type box, type the extensions of files that you want processed under the rule, separated by spaces—for example, *.ps *.eps *.pdf 
  7. Perform one of the following actions: 
    • If you selected Refine in the Process Template / Destination Folder list, select a Prinergy process template. The process template must already exist in your workflow. 
    • If you selected Copy in the Process Template / Destination Folder box, type the path to the folder to which you want the files copied, using the format: \\<servername>\<sharename>\<foldername>\  

    The destination folder must already exist.

    Note: You may use variables in the folder path. See About variables in destination folder paths.
  8. If you are creating a preflight upload processing rule in a Prinergy Workflow or Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack with the Prinergy Advanced Preflight option, select the Preflight Notification check box, to send notifications to the user who uploads the files.  
  9. Click Create

    The processing rule that you created displays in the Upload Processing Rules area.

  10. To edit a rule, right-click the required rule and select Edit Rule.

To add additional processing actions to the rule, see Creating actions.

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