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Exported settings files can be used to synchronize operating parameters on all workstations, and can also be used as a backup for individual stations. Settings are exported as XML files.

Export options:

Exporting settings:

  1. You must be in VPS+ Packaging Mode to Export and Import settings.
  2. From the File menu, click on Export and select an option
    • All: Exports all preferences settings, all layout presets, all job planning presets, all sleeve planning parameters and the spot color database 
      • Also exports Sleeve Parameters (not available as an individual setting)
    • Preferences: Exports all preferences settings
    • Layout Setup: Exports all layout presets
    • Spot Color Database: Exports the spot color database
    • Hot Folders: Exports all Hot Folder settings 
  3. In the Export dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the file.
  4. In the File name box, type a name for the file.
  5. Click Export
    • The settings are saved as an XML file. If you are using this option to back up your settings, you have completed the procedure.
      If you are using this option to export the settings to another TIFF Assembler Plus station, perform the next step.
  6. To Import the settings
    • Copy the XML file to another VPS+ workstation
    • From the File menu of the target workstation, click Import... 
    • In the Import dialog box, select the XML file you want to import and click the Import button
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