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If you were formerly using a dongle-based license, you must upgrade to a software-based license. Prinergy floating licenses (FLIM) are not affected.


After you successfully install Preps 11.x on your workstation, use the Preps software licensing dialog to upgrade your dongle-based license to a software-based license. To use the automated license update method, you must be entitled to a Preps 11.x license (already have a dongle-based Preps 11.x license or a support contract that entitles you to upgrade a previous version of Preps to version 11.x) and have access to the Internet via standard http (80) and https (443) ports. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can use this procedure: Retrieving your new software license if the workstation does not have Internet access.

  1. To open the Licensing Preps dialog box, select Edit > Licensing.
  2. In the Licensing dialog box, activate the Software license menu in the upper-right corner and enter the following information:
    1. Your Partner Place ID (the e-mail address you used to register on Partner Place). 
      If you do not yet have a Partner Place account, click Create/update Partner Place user name and follow the simple registration steps. A Partner Place account is free and you can start using it as soon as you confirm your e-mail address and set a password.

    2. Your serial number.
      • If you are upgrading from a dongle-based license, Preps will automatically retrieve the ID of your dongle and use it as a serial number for your software-based license. If for some reason it is not automatically retrieved, manually enter the 6-digit ID that is etched into the dongle itself (for example, AH1234).
      • If you are not upgrading from a dongle-based license, enter your 15-digit software serial number or license ID (for example, K123456789101112) instead.

  3. Click Retrieve License.
    If your computer does not have Internet access, use this procedure: Retrieving your new software license if the workstation does not have Internet access
  4. Select Automatic online access to Kodak license retrieval and click Next.
    The license is automatically retrieved.
  5. To close the Licensing dialog box, click OK.
  6. Restart Preps.

Note: If you are unable to retrieve a license automatically, but have met the requirements above, it is possible your system may not be configured to work with certificates correctly. In these cases, the issue may be able to be resolved by updating Internet Explorer to the latest version and/or applying current updates to your Windows server.

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