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    The Service window is used to troubleshoot proofer errors and print quality problems on your proofer. You cannot use the Service window while the proofer is printing a sheet. Wait for the printer to finish printing or cancel the sheet before opening a service session.

    When you display the Service window, the proofer locks out normal proofing functions. While the Service window is being used, the "Service Session Is Active - Proofing not available" message displays in the Proofer display area.

    Only one service session can be open at a time. If you try to open the Service window while another person is already doing so, the "Unable to start new diagnostic session as a session is in progress" message appears.

    To view all the Service panes you need for a particular task, navigate to each of the items in the Service tree and float (double-click) them all as separate windows.

    You can exit the Service window by closing the window.

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