Note: The software user documentation and help also provides much of this information.

Obtain or create the color content required to add or create a media configuration for a Matchprint Inkjet proofer and a new media type.

  1. Log on to your Kodak service and support portal.
  2. Determine the most suitable method for the media scenario:

Media/proofer scenario


Epson proofers (except WT7900) and media for which Kodak provides color content

Go to portal answer 68827, locate and download the applicable file, and then follow the instructions for the download file type:

  • To import an Epson media configuration and profiles from a .ZIP file, see portal answer 68834.
  • To add a Matchprint media configuration and profiles directly from a .INSTALL file, see portal answer 67572.

Epson proofers (except WT7900) and media for which Kodak does not provide color content

Create a custom media configuration. For the procedure, see portal answer 7333.

WT7900 white-ink proofer and media for which Kodak provides color content

Go to portal answer 60828, locate and download the applicable file, and then follow the instructions for the download file type:

  • To import an Epson media configuration and profiles from a .ZIP file, see portal answer 68834.
  • To add a Matchprint media configuration and profiles directly from a .INSTALL file, see portal answer 67572.
  • No labels