
Click to open the Service Window. Be aware that opening the Service window opens a diagnostic session. Diagnostic sessions require control of the proofer, which means that the system must be idle to open the Service window.


Opens the Create Error Report dialog box. Use this dialog box to compile an error report to send to a service representative when you encounter an unexpected problem with the system. In the Problem Description box, include the time the system encountered the problem and a brief description, such as steps that led to the problem, unusual proofer sounds, LED states, and so on. In the Created By box, enter your name. Save the error report to an accessible location on the client computer. The service representative you're working with will provide instructions on how to transmit the report.

You can run this report from any Help menu, from the Proofer Viewer Maintenance window, or from the Proofer Administrator Software tab. If the system can't communicate with the proofer or Proofer Controller, the report does not include the Proofer Controller log files or network communication log files.

Ink Kit Levels

Shows current ink levels in the ink kit. Also shows the Low Ink Warning point, below which the Low Ink Warning icon displays in the status bar. All inks deplete at the same rate.

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