The following steps summarize the sequence for creating and outputting a legacy versioning job.

  1. Create a job.
  2. In Job Finder, select the job, and from the Edit menu, select Edit Job Attributes.
  3. Click Legacy Versioning.
  4. Set the Max Layers option to the desired number of layers for the job.
    See Edit/Set Job Attributes dialog box .
  5. Prepare the base and version input files.
  6. Open the job in Job Manager, and add the base and version input files.
  7. Process the base and version input files using a refine process template that generates thumbnails.
  8. Import a versioning imposition plan and specify the number of versions.
  9. Select the pages you want as the base layer and assign these pages to page set positions.
    These first pages are assigned to the bottommost layer.
  10. Select the pages you want as overlay pages and assign these pages to page set positions.
    (If assigning pages using a menu item, choose the Print Over Previous Assignments option.) The overlay page is layered on the base.
    While assigning pages to page set positions, you can add layers over and under the base layer using different options. See Assign Pages to Page Set Position dialog box.
    View the assigned layers in the Page column in either the:
    • Page Sets pane in Pages view
    • Imposition Plans pane in Signatures view
  11. If required, reorder page assignments or unassign pages.
  12. If required, copy these page assignments to other imposition plans.
  13. Output the versioned separations:
    • without the Common separations
    • with or without the Common separations
    • with the Common separations

The system outputs the layered pages as one surface.

  • No labels