The Notification Manager allows you to set up your email account to receive notification messages from Kodak Proofing Software. Before you set up the email notification, if you are planning to send notification messages to email addresses outside your company's network domain, you need to know the address of your local SMTP mail server, as well as the user name and password used to access that mail server.
Note: If your SMTP server uses a different port from the standard port 25, use the following format when you configure the local mail server settings: mailserver:<portnumber>, where <portnumber> is the port used. Kodak Proofing Software also does not support SMTP mail servers that use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
The notifications that Kodak Proofing Software sends out are organized in the following categories:
- Errors - Any hardware or software errors that halt the proofer queue and require manual intervention.
- Warning - Events that don't halt the proofer queue but may eventually result in an error if ignored. For example, low ink or donor levels.
- Information - Notifications about the progress of specific Kodak Proofing Software tasks. Currently, you can only choose to receive information about the status of your calibration process.
Note: The Kodak Approval proofers will not receive any notifications about calibration-related errors, and their Notification Manager only displays the Errors and Warning categories.
When you add individuals and their email addresses to the Notification Manager, these individuals are automatically set up to receive notifications from all categories. In addition, if you have two proofers connected to a single Proofer Controller, everyone on the Notification Manager list will receive notifications about both proofers.
To manage the amount of email notifications you receive:
- Turn on or off email notification.
- Reduce the number of notification categories that a recipient is set up to be notified about.
- Select only the error, warning, and information messages that you want to notified about.
- In the Quiet Timer, select the amount of time (in minutes) between the first email notification and the next time an email notification is sent. You will not be notified about the events that occur during this "quiet" time.
- (Kodak Matchprint Inkjet proofers only) Change the low ink warning level to delay getting low ink warnings.
- (Kodak Approval proofers only) Change the low donor warning level to delay getting low donor warnings.
- Create a separate email account to handle all Kodak Proofing Software email notifications.
- Create a rule in your email inbox that filters the Kodak Proofing Software email notifications.
- Notification Manager dailog box
- Mail Server Editor dialog box
- Configuring the local mail server settings
- Adding a notification recipient
- Deleting a notification recipient
- Editing a notification recipient
- Sending a test email notification
- Sending a test email notification from Recipient Editor
- Setting up email notification
- Turning email notification on or off
- Creating an email notification filter
- Troubleshooting test emails