With legacy versioning, you can layer the base and version pages in Prinergy Workshop, provided the base and the version information are separate input files.
Legacy versioning has these limitations:
- It cannot trap between layers. It can only overprint layers.
- You must set the separations to overprint before you output the job.
- Legacy Versioning is not supported in Insite Smart Review. The single PDFs that make the version page are displayed (not the merged PDF).
Versioning Imposition Plans
In legacy versioning, separations for a versioning imposition have three labels: base, common, and unique. You can view the separation labels in the Common column in the Separations view in Job Manager. For a description of these labels, see Common in Visible Columns dialog box in Separations view.
The first versioning imposition plan you import into the job contains the separations labelled as base. The system compares all separations in a versioning job against the base separations. You can change this label as you import a versioning imposition plan.
You can also select a page set from the existing page sets for the job for a particular import.
Note: If you try to import a new versioning imposition in which the number of pages does not match the number of pages in the existing page set, the Import Imposition list is unavailable. To correct this error, regenerate the imposition plan with the same number of pages as the existing page set.
For more information about legacy versioning, see the Prinergy Regional Versioning Workflow User Guide.
For information about the newer system, see Layered PDF Versioning.
Note about legacy versioning
During final output for a legacy versioning job, if the version input file contains spot elements with 0% spot tint and these are placed over color elements in the input base file, they may incorrectly knock out underlying colors when the spot is converted to process.
- If the 0% tint spot elements are not required for the final output, consider removing them from the file before outputting it to a plate.
- If the 0% tint spot elements are required for the final output, use the imposition output process template to output this file to a TIFF.
- Use the Color Combiner to perform the color mapping. However, since the Color Combiner cannot be enabled on final output, create VPS proofs using a final output process template to ensure that the VPS matches the plate output. If unwanted knockouts appear in the VPS proofs, either edit the file to remove the objects causing the knockout or make plates from a TIFF file that was generated using an imposed proof process template and expose them using Tiff Downloader.