Use this procedure for spot colors that are difficult to proof.
CAUTION: If the spot colors will never be plated, reduce them during refine whenever possible. Color conversion is more predictable during refine than during other processes.
- This procedure works only with raster files, not with vector files.
- You can modify and save the process template before you start. Start the process using the modified process template, and do not click Edit Process Template in the Start Process dialog box.
- You can also use this procedure to omit a process color from a proof. Instead of selecting a spot color in the Color Output dialog box, select a process color and set the Output Selected as list to Do Not Output.
- To quickly set several colors to the same setting in the Color Output dialog box, select them all and then select an option in the Output Selected as list.
- If you edit the process template from the Start Process dialog box and use the Color Output dialog box, the most recently applied settings take precedence.