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    1. Using the Process Template Editor, set up the purge process template.
      For settings available in the process template, see Purge process template.
    2. Perform any of the following actions, depending on what you want to purge:

      To Do This

      Perform These Steps

      Purge an entire job

      • If you are in Job Manager, under Process Templates in the right pane, select either the Global tab or the Job tab.
      • If you are in Job Finder, select one or more jobs. 

      Purge only the files that are in the job folder

      1. In Job Manager, open the job.
        (You cannot use Job Finder to work with specific files in a job.)
      2. Click the Storage view. 
      3. Click Group File by Kind
      4. Select View > Visible Columns, select the Location check box, and click OK
      5. Select all of the files, except the files in the Input Files group that have an external location

      Purge specific files
      1. In Job Manager, open the job.
        (You cannot use Job Finder to work with specific files in a job.)
      2. Click the Storage view. 
      3. Click Group File by Kind
      4. Select the files.


      • To purge anything, it must have been previously archived.
      • To purge specific files, the files must be in the job folder.
      • To purge an imposition plan, select all signatures.
      • To purge a page set, select the whole page set, not just individual pages.

    3. Start the purge process template by selecting Process > Storage > Purge Purge > PurgeSelected.
      After the process ends, you can check the purge status of the job or the purge state of individual files. See About status and state changes after archiving, purging, and retrieving.
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