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You can create user categories for a customer and assign a user category to a user. The user category can be used to filter users when you create a task or task template, when you view users on the Manage Access page, when you view tasks on the Manage Tasks page, and when you search users.

  1. On the navigation toolbar, click Manage Access.
  2. Select the customer for whom you want to create user categories. You can select Site if you want to create a user category for all customers.
  3. From the User menu, select Manage User Categories.
  4. Perform one of the following actions:


    Do this:

    Add a new user category

    a. In the Manage User Categories dialog box, in the Name box, type the required user category name and click Add.
    b. Click Save.| 

    Update a user categorya. In the User Categories list, select the category that you want to update.
    The name of the category that you selected appears in the Name box

    b. Make the required changes and click Update
    c. Click Save.|
    Delete a user categorya. In the User Categories list, select the category that you want to delete.
    b. Click Delete
    c. Click Save.|  

    The defined user categories appear in the Create User and Edit User Information dialog boxes. You can assign a user category to the user.

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