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    To avoid problems with the hard drive, clear as much space as possible before upgrading the proofer controller software. Sufficient space is required for the installation and program files and also for the data files that will be copied from the existing version. Depending on the operations, the requirement can range from 2 GB to 20 GB or more.

    Perform any of the following steps that apply to your situation. If you are unable to clear sufficient space, upgrade to a higher performance, more reliable workstation.

    1. Create a system backup before performing major changes.
      See the Microsoft instructions for the applicable version of Windows.
    2. Uninstall any unused versions of Kodak Proofing Software.
      Note: Whenever you perform an upgrade, the previous version is retained until you uninstall it. If multiple versions are installed, this step alone can clear up the space needed.
      1. On the Proofer Administrator Controller > Software tab, beside the current version of controller software that is displayed, click Change
        A list displays the currently active version, all installed inactive versions, and the amount of disk space occupied by each.
      2. After identifying a version that is no longer used, uninstall that software according to the documentation for the applicable version.
        Note: If you inadvertently uninstall any shared software that is required by the remaining version, it will be replaced when you install the newer version.
    3. Uninstall any third-party software that you do not need.
      1. Access the Windows tool for uninstalling a program.
        See the Microsoft instructions for the applicable version of Windows.
      2. One at a time, locate, select, and follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the software products that you do not need.
    4. Clean up the disk space used by Kodak Proofing Software.
      1. On the Proofer Administrator Backup tab, select Reset Level 1 and click Reset.
        This deletes queued files, proofs, sheets, and log files from the working space.
      2. In Proofer Viewer, click Trash
        The trash contains sheets that have been printed and deleted. To purge selected sheets from the system, click .
      3. On the Proofer Administrator Settings tab, decrease the amount shown in the Currently Allocated box to slightly more than the amount shown in the Currently Using box.
        This reduces the amount of disk space reserved for use by Kodak Proofing Software.
    5. For space-related problems specific to a version, check for workarounds in the documentation that was published with the applicable software version.
    6. Consider performing higher-risk actions, such as the following suggestions:
      • Search for and follow external advice—for example, Microsoft may suggest that you remove nonessential Windows files and defragment the system.
        Important: Although many nonessential files that are stored by the Windows operating system might be removed safely, some changes may conflict with system files or settings required by the proofing software. This cannot be predicted.
      • Use a third-party tool to resize the partitions.

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