There are four possible output types made up of the following file characteristics:

Data format:

  • Raster: Continuous Tone (CT): 8-bits per channel, 256 shades Screened: 1-bit per channel, prescreened, one shade
  • Vector

Separation State:

  • Composite: All separations are together in one file.
    Note: Not all composite formats support spot colors. Some composite formats support CMYK process colors only.
  • Separated: All separations are in separate channels or files.

Each format is a combination of a data format and a separation state. For example, you can output a composite vector file or a screened, separated raster file.

The following information pertains to output formats selected in the Output To list on output process templates.



Recommended Use

DCS Raster

Creates screened or continuous tone, separated output only
Contains already RIPed, screened bitmap data that can be used with any raster-based proofer. In contrast, DCS Vector output contains data that is not RIPed or screened. It is intended to be processed further in another workflow or RIP.
Output of spot colors is supported

Screened: Use when you need a pre-screened DCS (copydot-like) file. This is when you want to pre-process a file to speed final output, or when you want to "lock down" the screening of that page.
Continuous tone: Use when you want the final RIP to perform the screening, and the final RIP requires rasterized input. Note that this will yield continuous tone text (The edges will appear fuzzy.)

EPS Raster

Creates screened or continuous tone, composite output only
This produces one composite bitmap file. Spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes).
Output supported on four-color process devices.

Use for third-party proofing devices that support raster output, for example, HP laser printers.


Creates continuous tone, composite, RGB output only
This produces one composite bitmap file. Spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes).

In some circumstances, useful for web proofing


Creates screened or continuous tone, composite output only
Spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes)
Output supported on four-color process devices.

HP DesignJet plotters


Creates screened or continuous tone, separated output only
This produces one bitmap file. Spot colors are supported

Lotem Quantum with Spectrum platesetters Trendsetter with Spectrum platesetters

Scitex CT (contone)

Creates continuous tone, composite output only
This produces one continuous tone (CT). Spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes).

Use for output to devices that require Scitex CT files.


Creates screened or continuous tone, separated or composite output
If separated output, spot colors are retained and output.
If composite output, spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes).

Screened separated output
Lotem 400 platesetters
Dolev 800 V imagesetters
Spectrum proofing devices: Lotem Quantum and Trendsetters
Composite continuous tone output
Matchprint Inkjet proofing devices
Other third-party proofing devices


Creates continuous tone, composite output. Spot colors are converted to process colors (CMYK recipes).
Prints directly to the Kodak Veris proofing device.

Kodak Veris proofing devices

Virtual Proof System

Creates screened separated output. Spot colors are retained.
Produces a virtual proofing system bitmap file. Creates one bitmap file per separation.

Prinergy Virtual Proofing System (VPS) software

TIFF Files

Input 1-bit prescreened TIFF files and output 1-bit prescreened (halftone) TIFF files that can be imaged on one piece of platemaking media.

Use the output TIFF process template to create 1-bit prescreened TIFF files to be sent to Print Console, CS Xpose, or directly to a device.


Outputs PDF pages to CEPS pages in either Scitex CT/LW or industry standard TIFF/IT format

Use the CEPS output process template to create CT/LW or TIFF/IT files.
You must know the resolution of the device on which you want to image the CT/LW or TIFF/IT files and output the files at the same resolution.

Vector Output: Does not screen or RIP output. Output files are often smaller and image faster than raster format files.



DCS (Vector Output)

Creates separated output
Spot colors are retained. The output DCS files can contain low-resolution previews and OPI information. The purpose is to produce reliable PostScript for downstream imposition, page layout, and RIPing, outside of the Prinergy Evo system. Downstream applications include Preps, Allegro, Taipan, and imagesetter systems.

Use when you want to place the page within another application, such as in a QuarkXPress document, or in a Preps imposition. Note: This format will not work if you want to send directly to an imagesetting device independent of another software application.

PDF (Vector Output)

If the input file is a composite PDF, the output can be either composite or separated.
If the input file is a separated PDF, the output can only be separated.
Creates a flat or single-page PDF file and multiple-paged PDF files.

Use when you want to send the page or imposition file to a RIP or software application that can consume or work with PDF files, or to create a PDF soft proofs

PDF/X-1a:2001 (Vector Output)

Creates composite output only
Spot colors are retained.
Creates a flat or single-page PDF file and multiple-paged PDF files.

Use when you want to send the page to a RIP or application that can consume or work with PDF files, or to create a PDF soft proof
Also useful when exchanging advertisement files or page files.


Creates composite output only
Spot colors are retained.
Creates a flat or single-page PDF file and multiple-paged PDF files

Useful when:

  • You want to send the page to a RIP or application that can consume or work with PDF files, or to create a PDF soft proof.
  • Exchanging advertisement files or page files.
  • You must send the file to a location that requires PDF/X-3 as the interchange format.

PS2 (Vector Output)

Creates a separated PostScript file using PostScript level 2

Use when you want to send the page directly to an imagesetting device, or to impose in Preps, or to output flats

PS3 (Vector Output)

If the input file is a composite PDF, the output can be either composite or separated.
If the input file is a separated PDF, the output can only be separated.

Use when you want to send the page directly to an imagesetting device, or to impose in Preps, or to output flats

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