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    After you create jobs or pre-jobs, you can:

    • Find them, if you're not sure about the job's name or location
    • Open them
    • Rename them
    • Move them between groups
    • Move them between Prinergy systems
    • Copy them
    • Add notes to them
    • Add custom fields to them
    • Destroy them

    Finding jobs

    If you want to open a job but are not sure of its exact name or its group, you can search for it with the Find Job dialog box.
    If you know the exact name, you can enter it.
    If you do not know the exact name, you can use an * (asterisk) as a wild card in place of one or more letters. For example, if you search for *magazine, you will find all jobs that start with magazine. You can use multiple wild cards in the same search.
    You can use uppercase or lowercase letters. The search is not case-sensitive.
    The search results display each job that matches your search and the group it is in. When you select a job and click Open, the job opens.

    Opening jobs

    You can open a job from either Job Finder or Job Manager. You can open pre-jobs from Job Finder only.
    Each job opens in a new Job Manager window. You can open several Job Manager windows at once.
    If you're not sure about the job's name or location, see Finding jobs and pre-jobs.

    Renaming jobs

    You can rename jobs and pre-jobs in Job Finder.
    You cannot rename a job if any processes are in progress on elements of that job.
    You can rename a job while the job is open in Job Manager, but the name change does not take effect in Job Manager until you close and reopen the job. You can still start processes in Job Manager when it is showing the old job name.
    You can also rename groups.

    Adding custom fields to jobs

    You can create custom fields for jobs or for elements within a job, so that you can track unique information about the job or element. Custom fields let you determine the type of information that you store and display about a job or job element.

    Adding notes to jobs

    You can add notes to a job. You can also edit or delete job notes. All users can see the notes that others have added. Notes have a time stamp to show when they were last modified.

    Prepress Portal users can work with job notes. Prepress Portal job notes that are visible to all users are also visible in Workshop. Job notes created in Workshop are visible to InSite administrators.

    Dashboard users can do everything with job notes that you can do in Workshop, including adding, editing, deleting, and viewing Workshop job notes.

    Destroying jobs

    If you never intend to finish or use a job or pre-job, you can destroy it. You can select multiple jobs at a time to destroy with a single operation.
    Important: Destroying a job or pre-job permanently deletes all files and information about the job or pre-job. You cannot retrieve it later.
    To keep a copy of the job for future use, see About archiving, purging, and retrieving jobs.

    See also:

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