This dialog box is called Create Hot Folder for Job when you are adding a new hot folder, and it is called Edit Hot Folder for Job when you are changing an existing hot folder.

Add Input Files Only

Select this option to create an add-input-files-only hot folder.
Use this type of hot folder to add input files to a job without processing them.

Add and Process Files

Select this option if you want the hot folder to process files. When you drop files into the hot folder, the files are automatically processed.
This type of hot folder links to process templates and workflow templates.

Select a template from the list

Displays the process templates, workflow templates, and rule sets that you can link to the hot folder.
This box is available only when you select the Add and Process Files option.


Provides information on the selected object.

Delete dropped files if processing is successful

Select this check box if you want the source files to be deleted after they are processed.
Important: Do not select this check box if you are uncertain of source file integrity, for example, if files may be using incorrect search paths.


The name of the hot folder. The default name of a hot folder is:

    • Add Input Files Only when you select the Add Input Files Only option
    • The name of the process template when you select the Add and Process Files option and select a process template

In either case, you can modify the hot folder name if desired.
This box is available only when creating a hot folder. You cannot change the name of an existing hot folder.

Use Custom Location

(Appears only in the Create Hot Folder for Job dialog box)
Select this option to change the location of the hot folder from the default location, which is the job folder.
When you select this option, the Select Folder dialog box appears.
This option is available only when you are creating a hot folder. You cannot change the location of an existing hot folder.

Change Custom Location

(Appears only in the Create Hot Folder for Job dialog box)
Use this button to change the custom location of the hot folder. When you click this button, the Select Folder dialog box appears.
This button is available only after you specify a custom location using the Use Custom Location option and before the hot folder is created. You cannot change the location of an existing hot folder.

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