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    Lists all the notes for a job, including job notes created in Prepress Portal that are visible to all users, and all job notes created in Dashboard. The list includes a few lines of each job note. To view the full text of a job note, select it and click Edit.

    Add a New Note

    Type a new job note in this box and click Add.


    This button is available only after you type text in the Add a New Note box. Click this button to add the text in the Add a New Note box to the job notes list.

    Job notes are visible to Dashboard users and InSite administrators.


    Click this button to edit the selected note or to view the full text of the selected note.
    After making changes click Save. The changed note is moved to the top of the list.


    Click this button to mark the selected note as deleted and to hide it. (Job notes are not deleted permanently; they are hidden.) To display deleted job notes, select Show Deleted Notes.

    Show Deleted Notes

    Select this check box to display all the job notes that have been created, edited, or deleted for this job.


    This button is available only after you select a deleted job note. Click this button to view the full text of the deleted job note.

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