1. Switch to the Signatures view, and select the surfaces or signatures that you want to proof.
  2. Start an imposition output process on the selected surfaces or signatures by dragging the surfaces or signatures to the imposition output process template.
  3.  Preserve spot colors by setting a specific option in the process template:
    1. In the Start Process dialog box, click Edit Process Template.
    2. Expand the Render section.
    3. In the Output Separation Handling list, select Output all separately.
    4. Close the process template.
  4. Click OK to close the Start Process dialog box.
    The proof process occurs. The proof is generated.
  • You can also use the Color Separations dialog box to print separations. You select the spot color, and set the Output Selected As to Separately.
  • You can modify and save the process template before you start. Start the process using the modified process template, and do not click Edit Process Template in the Start Process dialog box.


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