Use this procedure to preserve cutting data in a Preps imposition so that the data is available for a downstream cutting system.

  1. From a Preps Pro job, print a PJTF with the Embed CIP3 Cutting Data option selected in the Print dialog box.
  2. Import the PJTF into a Prinergy job.
  3. When outputting to final output, in the Press Interface box of the PrintLink section, select Heidelberg CPC32 Version 2.0.

A PPF file is created in the folder as specified in the process template.
Add this PPF file to your cutting software.

Note: To have the print dialog option Embed CIP3 Cutting Data automatically enabled on output add this preference to your configuration file.


Used to enable the output dialog option Embed CIP3 Cutting Data

For Preps Prinergy integrations you can automatically have cutting data added to the Preps JDF output by added the above preference to the PrepsPrinergy.cfg.template file on your primary Prinergy server. See page for more details, Setting Integrated Preps preferences

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