Page tree

List of variable marks

The following table lists, in alphabetical order, all valid variable marks and the type of information they represent. Variable marks are not case-sensitive.

If height is not specified, it defaults to the height of the text in the original mark. If dimensions is not specified, it defaults to 40x40.

Tip: For DataMatrixSurface barcodes that are populated with custom field data, you can use regular Prinergy variable text to populate the barcode. 
For example, if you have a Prinergy job named  12345_My PrintJob  and you populate  $[compound_%Jobname<5>%_%Sig%]  into the surface custom field for the DataMatrixSurface barcode, the result, when scanned, is  12345 1  when you output Signature 1 of that job. You can use other variables to produce different results.

Further Reference:

See ColorFlow variable marks in Prinergy topic in the ColorFlow User Guide for ColorFlow variable marks used in Prinergy,

Layered PDF Versioning (LPV) specific marks listed here.

Optional variable marks parameters listed here.

Note: All marks that include 'Section' require Intent to be enabled.

Variable Mark

Mark Type

Information Represented


Page, Sheet

The screening angle (after color mapping) for each plate. This mark applies to AM screening only. This mark displays setting from XMP tags where applicable—for staccato from XMP tags, it displays 0.
You can also use the "offset" parameter with this mark to print different text in each separation.



Reads a Separation Custom Field to populate a Code 128B barcode on imposed output. The Custom Field can contain any number of alpha-numeric characters.

Mark format is $[BarcodeCode128BSeparation_X_##] where “X” is a Separation Custom Field name and ## specifies the width of, in points, of one bar unit. A default bar width of 0.55 points is used if the optional ## parameter is not specified. The height of the barcode is always the height of the scaled text font used in the original mark.



Reads a Page Custom Field to populate a Code 128B barcode, including checksum, using a regular Roman text font.

Mark format is $[Barcode128BPage_X_##] where “X” is a Page Custom Field name and ## specifies the width of, in points, of one bar unit. A default bar width of 0.55 points is used if the optional ## parameter is not specified. The height of the barcode is always the height of the scaled text font used in the original mark.



Reads a Separation Custom Field to populate a Code 39 barcode on imposed output. The Custom Field can contain any number of alpha-numeric characters.

Mark format is $[BarcodeCode39Separation_X_##] where “X” is a Separation Custom Field name and ## specifies the width of, in points, of one bar unit. A default bar width of 0.55 points is used if the optional ## parameter is not specified. The height of the barcode is always the height of the scaled text font used in the original mark.



Reads a Page Custom Field to populate a Code I 2 of 5 barcode, including checksum, using a regular Roman text font.

Mark format is $[BarcodeI2of5Page_X_##] where “X” is a Page Custom Field name and ## specifies the width of, in points, of one bar unit. A default bar width of 0.55 points is used if the optional ## parameter is not specified. The height of the barcode is always the height of the scaled text font used in the original mark.



The name of the Print calibration curve used to calibrate the output device



Uses a custom PostScript mark with a barcode font to encode the Signature ID set in the Prinergy Signature ID Code Template. For more information about the Signature ID Code Template, see About signature ID codes

Marks are deployed by copying them to \\<PRINERGYSERVER>\AraxiPreps\Marks and placing them in PREPs as an imposition mark.

The EPS marks are installed by default in the AraxiPreps\Marks folder.





Page, Sheet

The proper color name of an individual color separation. In making a composite proof, it is replaced by the word composite
You can also use the "offset" parameter with this mark to print different text in each separation.



Also known as an “anti-mixing mark”, this mark creates a special colorbar made of a unique set of colors designed to be printed on the edge of a carton flap, to allow easy visual identification of different packages in a stack of die-cut cartons. The actual colors used for the colorbar depends on the colorants in the packaging artwork and the final four alphanumeric characters of the custom field value. Any colorants defined as “Dieline” will be excluded from the colorbar. 

Mark format is $[ColorCodesPage_X_##] or $[CCP_X_##] where “X” is a Page Custom Field name and ## is the height in points of the mark.



This variable mark shows the ColorFlow color setup that was selected in the output process template. This variable mark will not be replaced if ColorFlow is not enabled for the process generating the output. For more information, see the ColorFlow User Guide.



This page mark is replaced with a list of all colors that were on a given page before any color mapping was done. 
It also indicates the layer to which the colors are assigned if additional layers are present for the page. 
The page for which colors are printed is the closest placed object to the mark. 
This page mark can be used for separated or composite files.

The output is in the following format:

Layer 1: <color1>, <color2>, <color3> ... Layer 2: <color1>, ...

The Layer 2 is optional; it prints only if additional layers (versions) are present. 
Note: Make sure the font used for the page mark is small enough so that all colors will fit in the list.



This sheet mark is replaced on output with all of the color names that are present on a surface. 
If the Color Combiner is turned ON in the process template, the colors that are listed on the surface are the output colors supported on the device. 
Example: If the proofing device is CMYK only and the colors on the PDF pages contain spot colors, the Color Combiner is automatically turned ON in the process template to map the spots to CMYK. On output, the "ColorsOnSurface" mark will list Cyan Magenta Yellow Black. 
If the Color Combiner is turned OFF in the process template, the colors that are listed on the surface are all colors for all the pages on the surface.

The output is in the following format:

Layer 1 <color1><color2><color3><color4> Layer 2 <color1><color2><color3><color4>

The Layer 2 is optional. It is printed only if additional layers (versions) are present. 
This mark can be used for separated or composite files.


Page, Sheet

This mark enables you to print more than one variable mark on a single line for page or sheet marks. 
If you want a mark that has the job name and color on the same line, use the following text string: 
For example, the output would be JobName:5762 color:Cyan.

If you want the colors to be offset, use the following text string:$[compound_offset_%color%].

If you want to use the date sub-variables with this mark, use this text string:$[compound_%date_\%b-\%d-\%Y%].

When using this mark to separate the different marks that you want printed on the same line, you must use %mark% instead of $[mark], and an underscore instead of a space.

Custom Field Marks: 
  $[CustomFieldPageset], $[CFPS]   
  $[CustomFieldPage], $[CFPG]   
  $[CustomFieldPagePosition], $[CFPGPOS]   
  $[CustomFieldImposition], $[CFIMPO]   
  $[CustomFieldSignature], $[CFSIG]   
  $[CustomFieldSurface], $[CFSRF]   
  $[CustomFieldSeparation], $[CFSEP]

You can create custom fields for jobs or for elements within a job, so that you can track unique information. 
You can use custom fields to create variable marks and custom file naming. For example, if you have created custom fields at the job level or job element level (page, page set, imposition, signature, surface, and separation), you can use them to create variable marks and custom file naming.

To create a custom field mark, you need to specify the name of the custom field that you created in the custom field mark that you want to print. Custom field marks take the name that you define for the custom field as a parameter. See the following two examples:

  • For the mark $[CustomFieldSurface_WebNumber], "WebNumber" is the name that you defined for a surface-level custom field, and the value of the field would print on output, for example, 2.
  • For the mark $[CustomFieldJob_Salesperson], "Salesperson" is the name that you defined for a job-level custom field, and the value of the field would print on output, for example, Bob.


Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)

The name of the customer (of the job)



This mark prints a Datamatrix barcode that encodes the job and signature names in a 40 × 40 cell matrix, which is scaled to the size (in points) indicated by the #. The lower-left corner of the text mark coincides with the lower-left corner of the barcode. Data capacity is 112 bytes.



This mark prints a Datamatrix barcode that encodes the front/back and separation information in a 40 × 40 cell matrix, which is scaled to the size (in points) indicated by the #. The lower-left corner of the text mark coincides with the lower-left corner of the barcode. Data capacity is 112 bytes.



This mark prints a Datamatrix barcode that encodes the contents of a Page Custom Field in a variable cell size matrix, where Height is the size that the height of the barcode will be scaled to in points, and Dimensions is the cell matrix size specified as HxW, where H is the number of cells high and W is the number of cells wide. 
For example: $[DataMatrixPage_WDDatamatrixPage_8_12x36]
The number of H x W cell dimensions are restricted. See the supported cell matrix sizes and corresponding data capacities in the following chart:

Binary Capacity
10 × 101
12 × 123
14 × 146
16 × 1610
18 × 1816
20 × 2020
22 × 2228
24 × 2434
26 × 2642
32 × 3260
36 × 3684
40 × 40112
44 × 44142
48 × 48172
52 × 52202
64 × 64278
72 × 72366
80 × 80454
88 × 88574
96 × 96694
104 × 104814
120 × 1201048
132 × 1321302
144 ×  1441556
8 × 183
8 × 328
12 × 2614
12 × 3620
16 × 3630
16 × 4847

If height is not specified, it defaults to the height of the text in the original mark. If dimensions is not specified, it defaults to 40x40.




This mark prints a Datamatrix barcode that encodes the contents of a Surface Custom Field in a (default) 40 × 40 cell matrix, which is scaled to the size (in points) indicated by the ##. It is possible to change the DataMatrixSurface mark to print as a 16 × 48 cell matrix by creating a DWORD registry key MRKJ_RectangularDataMatrixMarks = 1. Data capacity is normally 112 bytes (when dimensions are 40x40) but is only 47 bytes if MRKJ_RectangularDataMatrixMarks=1 (when dimensions are 16x48).

In Prinergy 8.2 or later, you can also specify the Dimensions for the cell matrix size specified as HxW, where H is the number of cells high and W is the number of cells wide.
For example: $[DataMatrixSurface_WDDatamatrixSurface_20_12x36]
The number of H x W cell dimensions are restricted. See the supported cell matrix sizes and corresponding data capacities in the following chart:

Binary Capacity
10 × 101
12 × 123
14 × 146
16 × 1610
18 × 1816
20 × 2020
22 × 2228
24 × 2434
26 × 2642
32 × 3260
36 × 3684
40 × 40112
44 × 44142
48 × 48172
52 × 52202
64 × 64278
72 × 72366
80 × 80454
88 × 88574
96 × 96694
104 × 104814
120 × 1201048
132 × 1321302
144 ×  1441556
8 × 183
8 × 328
12 × 2614
12 × 3620
16 × 3630
16 × 4847

For the $[DataMatrixSurface_CustomFieldName_##] mark if height is not specified, it defaults to the height of the text in the original mark. For $[DataMatrixSurface_CustomFieldName_##_Dimensions] you need to provide the height and dimensions or else it defaults to a 40x40 cell matrix.



See $[OutputDate].



For output to a proofer, this mark contains the name of the proofer. 
For output to a file, such as a virtual proof, this mark contains the name of the file. 
For final output to plate, this mark does not show the device name. If you want to show the device name in the final output, name the process template with the device name and use $[ProcessPlanName], or use$[DeviceSerialNumber].



A ColorFlow device condition name is a combination of a device and the operating conditions in which the device captures or produces an image. For more information, see the ColorFlow User Guide.



A ColorFlow device name is an individual occurrence of a physical device that captures or produces an image. For more information, see theColorFlow User Guide.



This mark is intended for GDAPI devices and allows you to track which plate line a plate came from. If the device supports serial numbers, this mark prints the serial number on the plate.



The name of the default or override dot shape used to create the output. Displays settings from XMP tags where applicable.



This mark is replaced on output with the Staccato pattern number that is used to screen the separation. For example, Cyan may be 1, Magenta may be 2 and so on. This mark displays settings from XMP tags where applicable—for staccato from XMP tags, it displays 1/2/3/4 for CMYK respectively, and 1 for spots. You can also use the "offset" parameter with this mark to print different text in each separation.


Page, Sheet

This mark prints the signature ID code as human readable characters and appends the checksum digit for the Interleaved 2 of 5 style of barcode. Kodak has also developed an EPS mark that contains a custom font that prints the Signature ID Code as an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode. This EPS mark is in the Marks folder in the AraxiPreps share. This EPS can be placed as a SmartMark in Kodak Preps digital imposition software and upon output from Prinergy prints a barcode on the signature (see the Preps digital imposition software documentation).


Page, Sheet

The name of the ICC profile selected in the process template, whether the ICC profile is actually used or not



The horizontal bleed size of the imposition



The vertical bleed size of the imposition



The name of the imposition plan used to create the output



The horizontal trim size of the page position closest to the mark as defined in the imposition plan



The vertical trim size of the page position closes to the mark as defined in the imposition plan




See Ink eater mark



A user-assigned code for the job that is meaningful to you or your customer



The name of the Prinergy job. When you create a job, you indicate its name in the Create New Job dialog box.

$[LayoutDisplayName] Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)The layout name (the editable name)
$[LinkedPageNames] Page, SheetThis mark is for Layered PDF Versioning (LPV) jobs and can only be used for composite proofs. This mark lists all of the names of the linked pages. 
For the  $[LinkedPageNames] $[LinkedPageNames_Base] , and $[LinkedPageNames_NotBase]  variable marks, you can append the layer you want in the mark argument. 
For example, the variable mark  $[LinkedPageNames_English]  replaces the name of the page contributing English. The variable mark $[LinkedPageNames_Common]  replaces the name of the page contributing the common layers.


Page, Sheet

This mark is for Layered PDF Versioning (LPV) jobs and can only be used for composite proofs. 
This mark replaces only those layer/page name pairs that are base layers. "Base" is a parameter that can only be used with this mark. For more information, see the  $[LinkedPageNames]  variable mark.

$[Linked Page names_NotBase]

Page, Sheet

This mark replaces only those layer/page name pairs that are not base layers. "Not Base" is a parameter that can only be used with this mark. For more information, see the  $[LinkedPageNames]  variable mark.



This mark displays the names of colors that were mapped to other spot or process colors during output. 
For example, if you map the spot color "MySpot1" to black, the$[MappedPrintingColors] mark is replaced with "MySpot1" on the black plate on output. Nothing appears on the other plates.



Prints out the time of the marks PDF in %D:%M:%Y format



Prints out the time of the marks PDF in %H:%M:%S format



The Harmony tonal calibration software medium applied to the output


Page, Sheet

The value in the Output Comment box in the Start Process dialog box

$[OutputDate], $[Date]


The date the output is created (yy-mm-dd). If you use the $[OutputDate]mark, the format is yy-mm-dd. If you use the $[Date] mark, the format can be adjusted using these tags:

  • %y for year (two digits)
  • %Y for Year (four digits)
  • %m for month
  • %b for month (3 characters)
  • %d date 

For example, to create a mark that shows the month, day and year, the tag could be $[date_%b-%d-%Y] for Mar-11-2006. The tags are case sensitive and the underscore after the date in the variable is required. Separate the tag variables using colons, dashes or underscores.

$[OutputMode]Page, SheetPrints the Halftone Output Mode selected in an Output Process Template when ColorFlow Color Relationship Management is enabled. The four possible outputs are Print Production, Print Characterization, Plate Verification and Plate Characterization.



Prints the date in %M-%Y format on output

$[OutputTime], $[Time]


The time the output is created (hh:mm:ss). If you use the $[OutputTime]mark, the format is hh:mm:ss. If you use the $[Time] mark, the format can be adjusted using these tags:

  • %H for hour
  • %M for minute
  • %S for second

For example, to create a mark that shows only the hour and minutes, the tag could be $[time_%H:%M] for 4:15. The tags are case sensitive and the underscore after the time in the variable is required. Separate the tags using colons or dashes. Spaces and underscores are supported.

$[OutputVersionName]Page, SheetPrints the name of the ColorFlow Output Version selected in an Output Process Template when ColorFlow Color Relationship Management is enabled. Will append Default to the name, if the selected Output Version is defined as the default.



Prints the colors that exist in the PDF page that is closest to the variable mark. 
For example, if a page contains Cyan, Magenta, and Black, this mark will display Cyan (in cyan), Magenta (in magenta), and Black (in black).



The date that the PDF page was created. This mark prints the date on each layer if additional layers are present.



The name of the PDF page that is closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark. 
This mark prints out the page file name used for the top layer.

Note: This mark was intended to print out the page file name used for the top layer, but now prints out the base layer page name. (A problem report has been raised for this issue.)



The time that the PDF page was created. This mark prints the time on each layer if additional layers are present.

$[PageLabels]PageThe section numbering value of the PDF page, or the section numbering value of the page closest to the marks file in the imposition. A Page Label will only print if section numbering has been changed from the default value in either the creative application or Acrobat.



The name of the PDF page that is closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark. 
This mark will print out the page file name used for each layer if additional layers (versions) are present.

$[PageOffsetX], $[POX]


The horizontal offset of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark

$[PageOffsetY], $[POY]


The vertical offset of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark

$[PageOrientation], $[PO]


The orientation (0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°) of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark



The network path for the page associated with the mark. 
For example, if you have a four-page layout and the mark is closest to Page 3, the mark would show the path for Page 3.



The page position name for the PDF page closest to the variable mark. Page position names are the identifiers used to indicate position within a page set.

$[PagePositionNumber], $[PPN]


The page position number for the PDF page closest to the variable mark. Page position numbers are the identifiers used to indicate position within a page set.



The horizontal scale of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark



The vertical scale of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark



The page set prefix followed by an underscore and then the page set name

$[PageTrimSizeX], $[PageTrimX], $[PTX]


The horizontal trim size of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark

$[PageTrimSizeY], $[PageTrimY], $[PTY]


The vertical trim size of the page closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark



The names of parts that have sections on this sheet



Part types on this sheet

$[PlateCalCurve], $[PlateCurve]


This mark indicates the plate curve used on output.



A unique identification number that is printed on the plate and can be used to remake the plate using the Plate Remake tool. (For more information about remaking plates, see Remaking plates.)



When using ColorFlow, you establish the behavior of a particular plate, screening, and plating line by plating a tint ramp, manually measuring the resulting dot area on the plate, and entering the values in the Plate Setups dialog box in the ColorFlow software. For more information, see theColorFlow User Guide.

Prints the name of the ColorFlow Plate Setup selected in an Output Process Template when ColorFlow Color Relationship Management is enabled. Will output None if no plate setup is defined.



See $[PagePositionName].



See $[PagePositionNumber].


Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)

The name of the press selected for the part/scenario

Prints the name of the Print calibration curve used.



The plate's printing position in the job. For example, if the printing order is C-M-Y-K, the $[PrintingOrder] mark on the cyan plate is replaced on output with "1", the mark on the magenta plate is replaced with "2", and so on.



The name of the output process template used to create the output


Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)

The layout index number within the product



The names of the products that have sections on this sheet

$[ResolutionX], $[RX]


The horizontal resolution of the output closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark

$[ResolutionY], $[RY]


The vertical resolution of the output closest to the PDF file containing the variable mark



This mark prints the RIP that was used for output, either Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) or Adobe CPSI.

Scaling Factor Marks

Page, Sheet

These marks indicate what scaling factor has been used on final impositions. These marks indicate what distortion or scaling factor has been used so that you can see what percent of flex has been used or if flex has not been applied in a process template.

  • $[ImpRasterScaleX] or $[IRSX]—The horizontal raster scaling amount applied to the surface.
  • $[ImpRasterScaleY] or $[IRSY]—The vertical raster scaling amount applied to the surface.
  • $[ImpVectorScaleX] or $[IVSX]—The horizontal vector scaling amount applied to the surface.
  • $[ImpVectorScaleY] or $[IVSY]—The vertical vector scaling amount applied to the surface.


Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)

The name of the scenario assigned to this sheet

$[ScreenRuling], $[SR]


The default or override line screen ruling used for the output. For AM screening, this refers to the size of the screen ruling in lines per inch (lpi). For FM screening, this refers to feature size in microns. Displays screen ruling from XMP tags where applicable.



The default or override screening system family name used for the output. Displays setting from XMP tags where applicable .


Section (Imposition)

The section ID number


Section (Imposition)

The name of the "parent" part of the section


Section (Imposition)

The type of the "parent" part of the section


Section (Imposition)

The name of the "parent" product of the section



The sheet number



The names of the sections on this sheet

$[Signature], $[SIG]


The signature number


Page, Sheet

This mark prints the signature ID code on a sheet to identify which signature the sheet will be used for.


Page, Sheet

This mark prints the signature ID code specified when a signature has more than one section assigned to it. The number <n> after the underscore can be any number up to the maximum number of sections on a signature. 
Example: For $[SignatureID_2], this mark prints the second code when a signature has two sections assigned to it.



Prints the number of the selected ColorFlow Snapshot in an Output Process Template when ColorFlow Color Relationship Management is enabled. If the selected Snapshot is the Approved Snapshot, the mark will print as Approved (N), where N is the number of the Snapshot. If Current State is selected in the Output Process Template, then $[SnapshotNumber] will print as Current.


Page, Sheet, Section (Imposition)

The substrate of the part/scenario

$[SurfaceID], $[SID]


This mark prints the surface ID of the plate. If the plate is the front side, "U" is printed. If the plate is the back side, "L" is printed.

$[SurfaceLetter], $[SL]


The letter identifier for the surface. 
For example, a four-surface signature for a dual web press would be labeled A through D.

$[SurfaceName], $[SN]


The name of the surface—either Front or Back



See $[OutputTime].



Names of colors that were on the surface before the color combiner was used.
If color combiner is turned on in the process template,$[ColorsOnSurface] lists the output colors supported on the device and$[UnmappedColorsOnSurface] lists the names of all colors on the surface before the Color Combiner was used.



Identifies the user that ran the output process



Indicates the Variable Mainscan Imaging (VMI) resolution that is added to the VMI dpi box. The dpi box is located in the Device section of the final output process template.

$[WebGrowthExpansionX], $[WGEX] 
$[WebGrowthExpansionY], $[WGEY]


These marks indicate the actual web growth distortion factor on the plate. Use these marks to show the horizontal or vertical web growth expansion factor that was used for the separation as specified by "expansion xpercent and/or ypercent" in the XML profile file (with suffix .wpg).



Name of the web growth profile used, if a web growth profile is selected in the process template

$[WebGrowthTowerID], $[WGTID]


Shows the tower ID for the separation as specified in the color tower map file



This mark is used to indicate an imposition's workstyle, such as "sheetwise".

  • No labels