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Note: Some menu items are available only in the Jobs view or the Pre-Jobs view.

New Job / New Pre-Job

Use to create a new job or pre-job. When this menu item is selected, the Create New Job or Create New Pre-Job dialog box appears.

Open / Open Job / Open Pre-Job / Open Jobs in Group

This menu item appears as Open Job or Open Pre-Job when a job or pre-job is selected. Use this menu item to open the selected job or pre-job.
This menu item appears as Open Jobs in Group when a group is selected. Use this menu item to open all of the jobs in the selected group, including all of the jobs in any sub groups.
This menu item appears as Open when a group is selected that does not contain any jobs, or when no job or group is selected. When you select Open, the Open Job dialog box appears, prompting you to select a job to open.

Import Job

After you select a job or pre-job this menu item displays the Import Job dialog box where you can select an exported job (<filename>.zip) and import it into the selected job or pre-job.

Export Job

After you select a job or pre-job, this menu item display the Choose Process Template dialog box where you select an export process template and export the selected job or pre-job.

New Group

Use to create a new group.

Change Group

Use to move the selected job or pre-job to another group, or to move the selected group to another group.

Move to Pre-Job / Job

Use to change the selected job to a pre-job or the selected pre-job to a job. Once changed, the job will move to the Pre-Jobs tab, or the pre-job will move to the Jobs tab.
Note: Changing a pre-job to a job might stop Insite upload processing from working on that job, depending on how Insite is configured.

Move Job from Remote Server

Use to move the selected job from the server to a different server. When this menu item is selected, the Move Job from Remote Server dialog box appears.

Rename / Rename Job / Rename Pre-Job / Rename Group

Use to rename the selected job, pre-job, or group.

Copy / Copy Job / Copy Pre-Job

Use to copy the selected job, pre-job, or group. When this menu item is selected, the Copy Job dialog box appears.

Delete / Destroy Entire Job / Destroy Entire Pre-Job / Delete Group

Use to destroy the selected job or pre-job, or to delete the selected group. When this menu item is selected, the Destroy Job dialog box appears.

Get Info

Use to display information about the selected job or pre-job. When this menu item is selected, the Job Info dialog box appears.

Quit / Quit Prinergy Workshop

Quits Workshop. Any open Workshop windows are closed.

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