Edit a layout using Preps Ganging integrated with Prinergy in order to have Prinergy automatically import the layout.
Note: You can edit Preps Ganging layouts using this procedure with Preps Pro or Preps Ganging.

  1. In Job Manager, go to the Signatures view.
  2. In the Imposition Plans pane, double-click the imposition that you want to edit, or click Edit > Edit Imposition.
  3. In the Edit Imposition dialog box, if more than one installation of the Preps software is configured, in the Select an imposition application box, select the Preps software that you want to use.
  4. In the Import Type list, select Manual Import, and click OK.
    The Preps software opens.
  5. Make the necessary changes to your layout. The number of pages must be kept the same as in your page set.
  6. In Preps/Preps Ganging, select File > Save and Return to Prinergy.

The edited imposition plan is imported. A new page set with the new number of page positions and the imposition plan is created, replacing the previous one.

Note: It is recommended that in the Import section of the Import process template, in the If Page Set Already Exists box, select Delete existing page set and imposition, because the page set may have changed after ganging.

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