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Update your imposition instead of having to manually re-import your modified imposition.
When you've made changes to an imposition that do not affect the page assignment, use Update Imposition. For example, if you changed a mark in an imposition, use Update Imposition to bring in the changes without having to reassign the pages.

  1. In the Signatures view, right-click the imposition that you want to update, and select Update Imposition.
  2. In the Update Imposition dialog box, in Select a file to use for the imposition, browse to and select the imposition plan that you want to update.
    • For a Preps imposition, select ImpositionName.pjtf. You can also select ImpositionName.jdf and ImpositionName.job.
    • For a Pandora imposition, select
    Imposition and marks files are originally stored in <job folder>\TransientLayouts\<client computer>. They may have been moved to another location on a mounted volume. If there is a marks file, it must be in the same folder as the imposition file or the import will fail.

  3. Make sure the page set is correct.
  4. Click Update.
  5. In the Start Process dialog box, make sure the import settings are correct, and click OK.
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