1. On the primary server, search the %AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\bin\Ink directory to find the shortcut file named Ink Reporting, and drag this file onto the desktop.
  2. Right-click the shortcut, and select Properties.
  3. If desired, edit the paths in the Target box. 
    The Target box contains the command to run the ink report, and two parameters. The first parameter is the path to the folder (that will become a hot folder after step 4 is performed) where the CIP3.ppf files are placed. The second parameter is the directory where ink reports will be generated. 
    The default path for the hot folder is J:\Ink\in and the default path for the reports is J:\Ink\reports.
  4. Double-click the shortcut.
    This action will launch the Ink Report daemon that will begin monitoring the hot folder. If any directories for the hot folder or report output do not exist, the Ink Report daemon will create them. This process will run in a minimized window.
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