In Preps software, when you print a mixed PostScript, populated job ticket format (PJTF), or job definition format (JDF) file, Preps also prints a marks PostScript file. As Prinergy Evo accepts only PDF files for output imposition process template, if you plan to submit the marks file to Prinergy Evo along with the PJTF or JDF file, you must first refine or distill the marks PostScript file to create a PDF file before you submit your imposition files for output.

During installation, the Client installation supplied you with a pre-configured Prinergy Marks.joboptions file. Use the following procedure if you need to re-configure the job options settings:

  1. To configure Distiller 5.x software using the recommended Acrobat Distiller settings for page marks, sheet marks, and Preps marks, from the Settings menu, select Job Options.
  2. In the Job Options dialog box, click Save As, and save the configuration as Prinergy Marks.joboptions.
  3. To select the recommended Prinergy Evo settings, in the Acrobat Distiller window, in the Job Options list, select Prinergy Marks.joboptions.
  4. Drag files to be distilled onto the Acrobat Distiller dialog box.

Refer to Distiller's Acrobat Guide (from the Help menu, select Acrobat Guide) for more information.

Note: If your customers have Distiller software, you can give them the recommended settings file to use on their own computers. Distribute the following file and have your customer put the PrinergyMarks.joboptions file in the Adobe Acrobat x.x\Distiller\Settings folder.

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