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To provide a custom cutting mask for a layout, you first design a custom vector shape in your graphics software and output it as a TIFF separation. TIFF Assembler Plus can then use this shape to create and apply the custom mask to all the separations.

Note that in the Files list, icons indicate the current status of cut mask data in each TIFF file:

IconIndicates that...

The TIFF file has embedded mask data that is not yet applied. You can apply the embedded mask data so that the mask data will be used as the cut shape. Additionally, the mask data can be used as a crop shape.

You applied the embedded mask data as a cut-and-crop mask.

You derived the mask data from an external mask TIFF file and applied it as a cut-and-crop mask.

You applied the mask data (external or embedded) as a cut mask (and not as a crop mask).
NoneNo mask data is embedded.

Prepare the vector shape

Note: These steps are provided for reference. A sample file is provided in the Lesson 6 folder.

  1. Create a closed vector object in the original file artwork—ensure it meets the following criteria:
    • Matches the desired cutting contour
    • Is in register to the rest of the artwork
    • Is filled by a unique spot color
  2. Output this vector shape as an additional TIFF separation.

Set the Cut Preferences

  1. Ensure that ACM is the selected output file format.
  2. Set the other options as desired.

Create the layout

  1. Open the Lesson6.cta file.

    Notice the rectangular border around the two separations.

  2. Select Edit > Select > All.
  3. Select Modify > Apply external mask > with 0 mm margin.
  4. Browse to the Lesson 6 folder, select the Mask_Mask.2.TIF file, and click Apply.

    Notice the border now matches the shape of the mask.

  5. Output the layout.

View the results

  1. View the HTML cut file.
  2. Preview the output 1-bit TIFF.
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