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Create a job for each product to be printed.

Requirements: You must have a job role that includes the Create Job right.

  1. In the Jobs area, select a customer's category.
  2. Click Create Job.
    The Create Job window appears.
  3. In the Job Info area, in the Customer list, select the the customer to whom you want to add a job.
  4. in the Job Name box, perform one of the following steps:
    • If you want an automatically generated job number, leave the box blank.
      Note: If you want to automatically register pages for the job, you cannot use an automatically generated job name.
    • To specify a job name, type the job name.
      The job name must be unique; it can include up to 32 alphanumeric characters and special characters. Your printer may have a naming convention for job names.
      In Enterprise, from the Job Location menu, select a satellite server.
  5. (Optional) Complete the following boxes. Each box allows up to 31 characters of text.
    • Description: Type a description. In the Jobs view, this description appears in front of the job name, which appears in brackets. You can use the description to group related jobs.
    • Job Code: Type a job code. Your printer may have a naming convention for job codes. If not, you can enter any information that you want-for example, the date or a purchase order number.
    • Project Code: Type a project code. Your printer may have a naming convention for project codes. If not, you can enter any information that you want.
  6. In the Job Template list, if more than one job template is available, select an appropriate template.

  7. In the left pane, select Job Access.

  8. In the Job Access area, perform any of the following steps:



    Change a user's or group's role for this job

    a. In the Job Role column, in the list of roles, select the new role for this user.
    To see which rights are included in a role, hover your cursor over over the role.

    Note: For both individual users and groups, job-specific roles override default roles.

  9. In the left pane, select Job CSR.
  10. In the Job CSR area, in the Send email notifications about activity on this job to listselect one of the following options:  
    • To send e-mail notifications about activity on this job to all Customer CSRs, select the All current and future Customer CSRs option. 
    • To send e-mail notifications about activity on this job to a specific Customer CSR, select the Specified Customer CSRs option, and select the check box beside the staff user who should be the Job CSR. 
  11. In the left pane, select Upload Processing Rules.
  12. Select the Enable Rip for Rendering if you want the system to render Smart Review images, raster proofs, printed proofs and annotation reports for this job using the Prinergy server RIP.
  13. In the Rule Name column, select the check box beside the want to add.
    If you only enable one upload processing rule, that rule is the default rule for all files uploaded in this job. If you enable more than one rule, users select one of the enabled rules when they upload files.
  14. In the left pane, select View Options.
  15. In the View Options area, select any of the following options:
    • Show Page Sets: Show or hide page sets
      If you want the reader order to be from right to left, select the Use Right-Hand Spreads check box.

    • Show Signatures: Show or hide signatures 
    • Enable Preview: Enable or disable the Preview feature, which allows users to preview pages that have been assigned to page sets.
      Note: The Preview feature must be enabled in InSite Administration.
    • Show View Control: Select how pages display by default (list view or gallery view) and whether users are allowed to change the default view for their own sessions. If you clear the check box, the View buttons do not appear on the Pages tab in the job. 
    • Show Sort By Control: Select how pages are sorted in the job by default (by last modified date, by position, or by signature) and whether users are allowed to change the default sort order for their own sessions. If you clear the check box, the Sort By list does not appear on the Pages tab in the job.
      Tip: You can prevent customers from changing the default view in any job by clearing the Show View Control and Show Sort By Control check boxes in a template job.
    • Override Page Safety Offset System Defaults: Select this option to change the default setting for safety lines, in points, when the files in the job are viewed in Smart Review.
      By default, safety lines are measured from the inside of the page's trim box. If the page does not have a trim box, the safety lines are measured from the edges of the page with no offset.

  16. Click Create.
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