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  1. In Job Finder, while XX_Pack_Automation_Job2 is selected, perform one of the following actions:
    • Select File > Get Info
    • Right-click your mouse and select Get Info.
  2. Make note of the Custom Fields list.
  3. From the menu bar of Job Finder, select Tools > Custom Fields Manager.
  4. In the Custom Fields Manager dialog box, select Job on the left pane, and then click Add.
  5. In the Add Custom Field dialog box, enter the following:
    • Name: Salesperson
    • Type: Text
    • Default Value: <your first name>
  6. Click Add. Close the Add Custom Field dialog box.
  7. Close the Custom Fields Manager dialog box. Note that a new visible column shows up in Job Finder. If you cannot see it, select View > Visible Columns and then select the new item you have just created. Double-check the results from Get Info.
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