Processor display area

In Proofer Viewer, the processor display area is the part of the Queues window that shows the job currently being processed. The processor is the software that converts each page of a job into a proof by applying the job settings. As each page of a job is processed, proofs are placed onto sheets in the proofer queue. When a job is processed, it is purged from the system.

Jobs that fail in the processor are moved back into the Processor queue. When a job fails in the processor, it moves to the Processor queue and aicon appears beside it.

When the processor completes processing a job, it accepts the next available job. Held, failed, or canceled jobs do not enter the processor. If the Processor queue is paused, no jobs can enter the processor.

While the job is in the processor, you can cancel it, or view its history or settings. You cannot change the settings for any job in the processor.

Processor queue area

The Processor queue is the area of the Queues window that shows all received the proofs that have not yet been processed. Proofs appear in the Processor queue in the order that they were received with the most recent at the bottom. If you submit an unsupported file format, the proof will not reach the processor queue.

Proofs in the Processor queue move up the queue until they reach the top. When the processor completes processing a proof, it accepts the next available proof. Failed, held, or canceled proofs do not move to the processor until they are released. Proofs that fail in the processor may not be useable.

While the proof is in the Processor queue, you can move, delete, or hold it. You can also view the details of every proof. To keep all proofs from processing, you can pause the queue. Paused queues can be returned to their normal state, by resuming them.

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