Existing Page Sets

Lists any existing page sets for the job.

New Page Set Name

Displays a name for the new page set. You can edit this name by typing a new name in the box.


Displays the letter that will be used to identify the page positions in the new page set. You can change the prefix by typing up to five alphanumeric characters. The prefix must not end with a number.
When you select an existing page set this option is blank.

Page Start

The starting page number for the page set. You can type in this box to change the starting page number.
Note: When you select an existing page set from the Existing Page Sets box, this option displays the starting page number for the existing page set.

Page Count

The total number of pages for the page set. You can type in this box to change the total number of pages.
Note: When you select an existing page set from the Existing Page Sets box, this option displays the total number of pages for the existing page set.

Page End

The ending page number for the page set. The number is calculated by adding the numbers in the Page Start and Page Count boxes.

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