You can use the file to modify the dieline ink name that appears by default in a separation in the PDF file as a dieline.

By default, Pandora will append the die file name to the die spot color name when you output PDF or a Prinergy job ticket with the dieline embedded. If you prefer this not to happen, perform the following actions:

  1. Exit the Pandora software.
    Note: You cannot update if the Pandora software is running.
  2. Using a text editing program, open the file (in the Pandoraversion folder).
  3. Type Print.AppendDieFilenameToDieSpotName=False.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Start the Pandora software.

To change the dieline name to be something other than Dieline, perform the following actions:

  1. Exit the Pandora software.
    Note: You cannot update if the Pandora software is running.
  2. Using a text editing program, open the file (in the Pandoraversion folder).
  3. Type Print.DieSpotName=new name.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Start the Pandora software.

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