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  1. From the Job menu, select Manage Hot Folders.
  2. In the Manage Hot Folders dialog box, click Add to create a hot folder.
  3. In the Create Hot Folder dialog box, select Add and Process Files.
  4. In the process template list, navigate to the XX_Workflow_Test process template that you created in task 2. Click OK.
  5. Close the Manage Hot Folders dialog box.
  6. Open your job folder XX_Automated_Template by right-clicking the job name and icon at the bottom left of Job Manager and select Open Job Folder in File Browser.
  7. Open the HotFolders folder, which contains the XX_Workflow_Test and Processed folders. You will use the XX_Workflow_Test folder as the hot folder, where you will drop the input files.
    The system uses the Processed folder to store the input source files after the processing phase.
  8. Locate the input file: Packaging Activity Source Files / Petra Label / Label_Grn.eps.
  9. Copy and paste the PDF file to the hot folder XX_Workflow_Test.
  10. Return to Job Manager to monitor the processing of the input file.
  11. Proof the 1-up artwork PDF file in Prinergy VPS.
  12. Close Prinergy VPS and then Job Manager.
  • No labels