Administrator user name and password
You must have a Mac OS administrator user name and password in order to install the Matchprint Virtual software.
Compatibility with previous versions of Matchprint Virtual software
After installing Matchprint Virtual 10.0 and setting a fixed luminance, ensure that the viewing booth luminance matches your monitor luminance. For more information, see the Matchprint Virtual Best Viewing Practices Guide.
Note: Matchprint Virtual provides better gray balance, white balance, and overall color alignment to hard copy proofs when proofs are viewed under GTI or JUST Normlicht lighting. Under normal circumstances, you may not need to adjust the white point of your monitor to compensate for monitor viewing conditions.
Keychain access settings must be manually configured
In Matchprint Virtual 10.0, it is necessary to perform additional steps after installation. The steps must be performed on all Apple Macintosh workstations that will access InSite Prepress Portal 10.0 Smart Review or InSite Creative Workflow 10.0 Smart Review, regardless if there is SSL in use.
For more information about using with InSite Prepress Portal 10.0, see the Matchprint Virtual for InSite Prepress Portal Quick Start Guide or InSite Prepress Portal 10.0 Online Help > Smart Review > Managing Color > Configuring Keychain Access Settings for Matchprint Virtual.
For more information about using with InSite Creative Workflow 10.0, see the Matchprint Virtual for InSite Creative Workflow Quick Start Guide or InSite Creative Workflow 10.0 Online Help > Using Smart Review > Managing Color > Configuring
Keychain Access Settings for Matchprint Virtual.
Security and privacy settings on your Mac computer
In order to install Matchprint Virtual 10.0 on your Mac computer, perform the following:
When you click the
file, press the Control key and select Open to install.