Ink type
Specifies the name of the ink type that is used for this media configuration
Specifies the resolution that is used for this media configuration
Print direction
To support printing in one or two directions, select Bi-directional (bidirectional).
To print in only one direction, select Uni-directional (unidirectional).
Note: This option is not available for media configuration files created for Epson Stylus Pro x900 printers at 720×720 resolution and higher, and for Epson Stylus Pro x700 printers at 1440×720 resolution and higher.
A higher microweave improves print quality but reduces printing speed
Platen gap
Change this setting when using unusually thick or thin paper
Vacuum intensity
Enables you to increase the vacuum intensity for thicker paper and decrease it for thinner paper
Specifies whether to cut the paper automatically
Cutting pressure
Enables you to decrease the cutting blade pressure for thinner paper to make a cleaner cut
Drying time per pass
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, between each pass of the print head to allow the ink to dry on the page
Drying time per page
Specifies the time, in seconds, between each page to allow the ink to dry
Paper thickness
Specifies the paper thickness for the media type. An incorrect paper thickness setting causes vertical banding on the page
Minimum wait time before measurement
(Offline spectrophotometers only) Specifies the minimum time you must wait before you can measure the chart
Maximum wait time before measurement
(Offline spectrophotometers only) Specifies how long you have to measure the chart