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  1. In Job Finder, right-click your main group (XXMainGroup), and choose New Job.
  2. Type the job name XX_Pack_Automation_Job1 (where XX represents your initials).
  3. Click Create.
  4. In Job Manager, perform one of the following actions:
    • Right-click the Input Files pane and select Add Input Files.
    • From the File menu, select Add Input Files.
  5. In the Add Input Files dialog box, select the file: Packaging Activity Source Files / Petra Label / Label_Grn.eps
    Click Add Selected to add the EPS file to the list.
  6. In the Options section of the Add Input Files dialog box, select the Process Selected Files Using Process Template check box.
  7. In the Choose Process Template dialog box, select Refine > Refine > 1stRef-Normz . Click OK.
  8. In the Add Input Files dialog box, click OK.
  9. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
  • No labels