The No Target Press queue is the located at the bottom of the list of devices in the Devices pane. If a document is not assigned to any connected digital device or if it is assigned but not yet submitted, it appears in the No Target Press queue. Documents from the No Target Press list can be assigned to any of the connected digital devices so that the load is balanced across devices.

Jobs that have not been assigned to a digital device yet are in the No Target Press status, and jobs which have been assigned to a digital device but have not been sent to print yet are in the Ready To Print status.

For example, if you assign a job to the No Target Press list, the job will appear in the No Target Press list and can be assigned to a device later based on load balancing requirements. Jobs on the No Target Press list which have been assigned to a digital device but have not been sent to print yet (jobs in the Ready To Print status) will not appear on the device queue until you submit them.


Jobs in the No Target Press queue can be assigned to a device (if in the No Target Press status), submitted or reassigned to another device (if in Ready To Print status), or removed from the queue.


The No Target Press queue contains the following information about each of the jobs in the queue:


Displays the name of the job in the queue. This can be a Prinergy job, or a file, page, layout, or separation.


 Displays the current status of the selected job, such as:

    • No Target Press—jobs that have not yet been assigned to a digital device
    • Ready To Print—jobs that have been assigned to a digital device but have not yet been sent to print


Displays the number of copies being produced

No. Pages

Displays the number of pages of the job


Displays the digital press the job is assigned to when the job is in the Ready To Print status


Displays the estimated time it would take to process (print or expose) the selected job based on the number of pages to process and processing speed. The processing speed is based on the value set when the device was added in Devcie Track, Setup, or Prinergy Administrator (UADM).


Displays the date when the job was created 
Note: To toggle between displaying the list of jobs in ascending or descending order of date of creation, click the arrow next to the column's name.

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