Your InSite server will contact the KODAK Product License and Activation System (PLAS) in the background on a regular basis to keep your system licenses up to date. An internet connection is required for automatic maintenance of your licenses. If your server is not connected to the internet, you can follow the offline process that is described below. When upgrading to version 11.0, you must also upgrade your license.
High level summary of the new licensing procedure:
- Retrieve Serial ID for your InSite server from Customer Portal.
- Retrieve license (or supply XML file) and install the license after software installation or upgrade.
Retrieve Serial ID
Your Serial ID takes the form AXxxxxx or YCxxxxx-IN.
- If you already have a Customer Portal account, log on to Customer Portal. Navigate to Service & Support > Product Registration and License Activation > View registered products and select your site. A list of registered products will be displayed, including the serial number for your InSite system.
- If you do not have a Customer Portal account, but you have a support plan that entitles you to the InSite system upgrade, you can register on Customer Portal.
Install the license
- After upgrading or installing the software, go to Start > Programs > Kodak TwEm > License Manager. Click the Enter License Key button.
- If your InSite server is connected to the internet, click the Retrieve License button to retrieve the license from PLAS. Once the license key appears in the License Key field, click Apply.
- If your InSite server is not connected to the Internet, you can do the following steps to obtain an XML file and load the file to the License Manager.
- Click the Retrieve License button.
Generate License Connection Problem dialog appears. - Click Browse to specify the location to download the XML license request file.
- Click OK to save the XML license request file.
- Transfer the XML license request file to a system that has internet access.
- In a web browser, go to:, login and navigate to the page to upload the license request XML file.
- Upload the license request XML file.
An XML license response file is created. - Save the XML license response file and transfer it to your InSite server.
- Go to Start > Programs > Kodak TwEm > License Manager. Click the Enter License Key button
- Click Browse and navigate to your XML response file.
- Click Read File.
- After the license appears in the License Key box, click Apply.
- Click the Retrieve License button.
- Click OK to close License Manager. Your InSite system is now licensed.
Note: If you are unable to retrieve a license automatically, but have met the requirements above, it is possible your system may not be configured to work with certificates correctly. In these cases, the issue may be able to be resolved by applying current updates to your Windows server.
License renewal
Purchased licenses will be automatically renewed on a regular basis. If the InSite server is unable to reach PLAS for extended periods of time, it will notify the system administrator two weeks before the base license is set to expire. If your internet connection cannot be restored within two weeks, retrieve an updated license file to renew the base license using the manual method.
Note: Resale or reuse of the original hardware (dongle) license constitutes a breach of the software license agreement. If you are upgrading from a dongle to a software-based license, you are responsible for the destruction or disposal of the original hardware dongle. We recommend that you destroy your dongle as soon as you confirmed that the upgrade was successful.