If the defined work style for the Pandora job is two-sided (either sheetwise or perfector), you can assign artwork to the back side of the layout. Until you do, Pandora adds a dummy step-and-repeat to the back side to show where artwork needs to be placed.

  1. On the job properties pane, Layout tab, define the work style as two-sided (either Sheet Wise or Perfector).
  2. On the current side, snap or manually align artwork to the die.
  3. Select Object > Flip Side or press the Flip Side button   on the toolbar.
  4. Select the die.
  5. Snap or manually align the artwork to be used on the opposite side to the die.

Tip: On the job properties pane, Layout tab, use the transparency sliders for the current and opposite sides as needed to show back-up and alignment of the layouts.

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