Prinergy requires that fonts be in Printer Font ASCII format. You may need to use the Font Converter or add a font search path to the job.
If fonts are embedded in input files, or if the input files reference only the base 138 Adobe fonts that are shipped with Prinergy in PFA (Printer Font ASCII) format, Prinergy can refine and output PDF pages without the Font Converter or a font search path.
If fonts are not embedded in input files, use the Font Converter to make the font information available to Prinergy in PFA format. Add a font search path to the job for the job to be able to use the converted fonts. The font search path tells Prinergy where to locate the fonts for the job. When Prinergy refines the job, the normalize step embeds font information from the specified Fonts folder in the PDF pages it creates during the refine process.
If your input files contain OpenType fonts that are not embedded in the file, or fonts from the Microsoft font suitcase, add the location of the fonts to the font search path. There is no need to use the Font Converter.

Subsetting or embedding fonts

Prinergy can process files with either subsetted or embedded fonts. Fully embedding fonts increases file size but in some situations it is preferable. For example, when you use Acrobat to merge multiple PDF files, embedding fonts results in fewer problems with font resources and preserves the ability to edit fonts.

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