1. Enable the layering feature for the job:
    1. In Job Finder, select the job.
    2. From the Edit menu, select Edit Job Attributes.
    3. In Max Layers, type the desired number of layers.
  2. In Job Manager, open the job, and add your input files.
  3. Using a refine process template that generates thumbnails, refine the input files.
  4. Create, edit, or import the imposition plan.
    For information about creating and editing, see Preps integration options and About integrating imposition software. For information about importing, see Importing Impositions.
  5. From the View menu, select as Thumbnails.
  6. Drag the base PDF page thumbnails to the desired page positions.
  7. Drag the second layer of PDF page thumbnails to the desired page positions, on top of the base PDF page thumbnails.
    The layered pages display a large black V.
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